Oak Doors Osrs (2024)

1. Oak door - OSRS Wiki

  • Jun 27, 2024 · The oak door can be built in the Door space of the Dungeon and Treasure room in a player-owned house. It requires 74 Construction to build ...

  • The oak door can be built in the Door space of the Dungeon and Treasure room in a player-owned house. It requires 74 Construction to build and when built, it gives 600 experience. The player must have a hammer and a saw in their inventory to build it.

Oak door - OSRS Wiki

2. Oak Doors ;) - Scripting Help - OSBot :: 2007 OSRS Botting

  • Mar 24, 2019 · Hello again and welcome back to Oak Doors V2 this time around I've implemented only ConditionalSleeps seems to run pretty smooth.

  • Hello again and welcome back to Oak Doors V2 this time around I've implemented only ConditionalSleeps seems to run pretty smooth. To start it you need: - Saw/Crystal Saw - Hammer - Nails - Demon butler (Servant) - Have his task set to withdraw (20) oak planks from bank - Start script in player ow...

3. OSRS - Oak door construction | Community - RuneMate

4. Oak Doors [Looking for feedback] - OSBot :: 2007 OSRS Botting - OSBot

  • Apr 25, 2019 · Re-made an Oak-door's script that I whipped up awhile back. Looking for feedback on the code of ways I can improve it.

  • Re-made an Oak-door's script that I whipped up awhile back. Looking for feedback on the code of ways I can improve it. Still need to add an option to stop script either after bank doesn't contain Oak planks or based on message that Butler says when you run out of Oak planks to build. Would also l...

5. Oak Doors - Construction - DreamBot - Runescape OSRS Botting

  • Dec 4, 2016 · It relies heavily on switch statements and dumb kludges, but it just works. Went from 74-81 construction with this.

  • It relies heavily on switch statements and dumb kludges, but it just works. Went from 74-81 construction with this. Use a normal butler have hammer, saw, and gp for paying butler. Stand in this spot and ensure your house has a bell pull. It will try not to wander off from this spot and will call ...

6. Oak door - Old School RuneScape Wiki - Fandom

  • The Oak door is a door that can be added to the door hotspot in the Dungeon of a player owned house with a Construction level of 74.

  • The Oak door is a door that can be added to the door hotspot in the Dungeon of a player owned house with a Construction level of 74. They are the weakest of the three tiers of dungeon doors, and require 10 Oak planks to be constructed. As with all dungeon doors, they can be either forced open or have the lock picked to be opened. The success rate of these actions are determined by the player's Strength and Thieving levels. Oak doors yield 600XP when built and are often used as an alternative met

Oak door - Old School RuneScape Wiki - Fandom

7. OSRS - Oak Larder & Dungeon Door Construction | Community - RuneMate

  • Apr 25, 2016 · Constructing boosting bot. Build & Tear Down Larder and door. -Butler & Demon butler support. -House tab support/Ring of dueling Any ...

  • Constructing boosting bot. Build & Tear Down Larder and door. -Butler & Demon butler support. -House tab support/Ring of dueling Any thoughts?

8. Oak door - The RuneScape Wiki

  • Missing: osrs | Show results with:osrs

  • The oak door is a door that can be made in the dungeon of a player-owned house with the Construction skill. Constructing these is recommended for training instead of oak larders once the level requirement is reached. When made with the butler it is possible to make 360k experience per hour.

Oak door - The RuneScape Wiki
Oak Doors Osrs (2024)


How much XP per hour is Oak Dungeon doors? ›

Oak doors yield 600XP when built and are often used as an alternative method of training Construction since you can have a Butler deliver you 20 Oak planks around the time you finish building both of them. This method is around 350-360k xp an hour.

How to make oak door osrs? ›

The oak door can be built in the Door space of the Dungeon and Treasure room in a player-owned house. It requires 74 Construction to build and when built, it gives 600 experience. The player must have a hammer and a saw in their inventory to build it. They are the weakest of the three tiers of dungeon doors.

How to build a dungeon in OSRs? ›

The dungeon is a room or set of rooms that can be built in the basem*nt of a player-owned house. It can be built at level 70 Construction. The dungeon room, unlike other rooms, can come in 3 different styles, each with their own hotspots, and can be accessed via a skill hall, quest hall, garden, or formal garden.

What is the oak plank used for Osrs? ›

Each plank gives 60 Construction experience when used. A single oak plank is worth on average of ~175 experience when used in novice Mahogany Homes contracts (including completion bonus), and 150 experience when used to fix the broken bridges in the Hallowed Sepulchre, also requiring mithril nails.

How much xp per hour is max woodcutting? ›

At maximum efficiency, it is possible to gain up to around 255,000 experience per hour at level 99 when using the crystal felling axe. Because the method is difficult and click-intensive, players are more likely to see rates closer to 230,000–240,000 experience per hour.

How much xp per hour is mahogany bench? ›

Players can gain up to around 900,000 experience per hour with mahogany tables, and 1,100,000 experience per hour with gnome benches.

How long does it take for oak trees to Respawn Osrs? ›

8.4 seconds

How long do oak saplings take to grow Osrs? ›

Planting the sapling in a tree patch, with a spade in your inventory, will give 14 Farming experience. It will grow into an oak tree after 200 minutes (3 hours and 20 minutes), which gives 467.5 Farming experience.

Do you need nails for oak larder Osrs? ›

Building an oak larder requires at least 33 Construction, 8 oak planks, a hammer and a saw. Building oak larders is a good way to train Construction, for the large amount of experience they give, and they do not require nails or bolts of cloth.

What is the largest dungeon in Osrs? ›

The Taverley Dungeon is the fourth largest dungeon in RuneScape, surpassed by Brimhaven Dungeon, the Chaos Tunnels and God Wars Dungeon. There are many monsters, ranging from low to high combat levels and with the stronger ones located deeper in the dungeon.

Can you build a house in Osrs? ›

Construction is a members-only skill that allows players to build their own houses and provide furniture for them. To begin Construction, players must buy a house from one of the estate agents. A starter house will cost 1,000, and will be in Rimmington.

How do you start a solo dungeon in RuneScape? ›

To solo a dungeon, you must form a party (you will be the only party member). You can then begin a floor by entering the southeastern or southwestern doors. To join another player's party, that player must invite you. The invitation will show up in your chat box.

Where are the best oak trees in Osrs? ›

Depending on Woodcutting levels and equipped axe, players can chop 500–1,100 oak logs (39,000 – 85,800 coins, respectively) per hour. The best place to chop oak trees in F2P is Draynor Village. There is an oak tree just east of the bank. Since oak trees regenerate very quickly, there is not much downtime.

How much XP per mahogany plank? ›

Each plank gives 140 experience when used in a player-owned house, 112 experience when building in Mahogany Homes contracts (excluding completion bonus), 240 experience when repairing in Mahogany Homes contracts (including completion bonus), or an average of 344 experience when used in Mahogany Homes contracts ( ...

Can you make planks for free Osrs? ›

There are a few spawn points for some planks. However, players can only make planks by taking various kinds of logs to the sawmill operator and paying a fee. The fee is different for each type of plank; in general, higher-level furniture requires more expensive planks.

How much xp per hour is dungeoneering? ›

Elite Dungeons

Any enemy you kill in an elite dungeon will reward you with Dungeoneering experience. With a team of 3 high level players it is possible to get 130K Dungeoneering experience per hour. This is done by only killing early mobs and mini-bosses.

How much xp per hour are teaks? ›

Now, for members, from level 60 – 99, the fastest possible XP in the game, getting you 60 000 – 70 000 XP per hour, is Teak Logs. They can be cut at Ape Atoll or Castle Wars. You can actually get up to and over 100 000 XP per hour cutting Teaks if you are 3 tick Woodcutting.

How much xp per hour is Motherlode? ›

Experience and efficiency
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